It’s been a bit quiet on the blog, but not behind the scenes here at Schools Prehistory. One job that’s been done has been to write a couple of support sheets for Michael Tidd’s Primary Curriculum 2014 website. He came up with an initial framework for a one-page sheet with the basic information for each of the areas for the new primary history curriculum and had started with the first topic at Key Stage 2, Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.
We offered to give comments, as did many others. The first thing he did was to double the size of the cheat sheet to two pages with loads more information on based on suggestions from teachers. Michael very kindly let us do some editing and additions to his initial draft. Then, as Michael asked for volunteers to write the rest, we offered to write the Shang Dynasty one, as well.
Both are now live to download on Michael’s website, and here they are as well. Go to his website to find more cheat sheets, which will be added as they are written by other willing and knowledgeable volunteers.
It’s coming up really blurry on my phone but ill have to have a look! I have the shanghi dynasty next year and no nothing!
Hi Sarah,
You should be able to download PDFs by clicking on the images. Let me know if you manage to.
I tried my phone and couldn’t but ill check it out on my phone ☺